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Intersitital > Description

The interstitial ad type is due to the coverage of large content areas highly attention-grabbing and very well suited for animated or interactive awareness campaigns.

The interstitial covers itself upon the start of an app, mobile page or page break over a majority of the content area on the screen and always includes a close button in the upper right corner.

The user can interact with the ad, reach the landing page or close the ad by tapping on the close button in order to return back on to the mobile page / app.

Format & Size

Dimension Orientation Types Initial size max. subsequent size
320 x 480 Portrait jpg, png, gif, HTML5 100 kb 2,5MB
768 x 1024 Portrait (Tablet) jpg, png, gif, HTML5 100 kb 2,5MB
1024 x 768 Landscape (Tablet) jpg, png, gif, HTML5 100 kb 2,5MB
Responsive Portrait / Landscape jpg, png, gif, HTML5 100 kb 2,5MB

Close Button > Close button

The developer should not include a close button for the interstitial. The close button will be added by us. However, a free space of 50x50px must be left in the top right corner for the button.

Creative developed by Digitalsunray

In case the creative is commissioned to be developed by us, all files needed for the creative should be delivered in the highest possible resolution, especially:

  • .psd files (recommended 2048×1080)
  • Images (recommended 2048×1080)
  • Videos (recommended 1920x1080)
  • Special fonts, icons etc.


The following delivery types are allowed in our network:

  • Physical delivery
  • Hosted by Digitalsunray

GDPR complications

Because of the GDPR, some of our publishers only allow physical delivery or trusted hosting partners like us. We highly recommend the hosting in our infrastructure.

Only with additional signed GDPR agreement

  • Self hosted
  • External trackings
  • External resources (CDN) like JQUERY, Google Fonts, etc.

Self hosted ads

Be aware that some of our publishers still do not allow self hosted ads, external trackings or the use of external resources even with an additional GDPR agreement. In this special case only physical delivery or hosting from our side is allowed.

Physical delivery or hosted on our infrastructure

  • as a flat-ZIP file (without folder structure)
  • the ZIP file must contain (max. 10 files)

    • index.html
    • all resources (CSS, Javascript, images, videos, etc.)
    • all used Fonts, Frameworks, etc.
  • the total size of the ad should not exceed the total limit



Please clarify with the campaign manager how you have to delivery the ad (streaming link, iframe or physical delivery) .

Inside of your ad you have to read the clickTag from the query string IAB Guidelines (see Section 3.10.1).

Below you can see the function from the IAB for getting the clickTag from the querystring.

function getParameterByName(name) {
    var match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)').exec(;
    return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
var clickTag = getParameterByName('clickTag');

clickTag naming convention

clickTag should be always in camel case notation.

Clicktag for physical delivery (whole or in part)

If the ad needs to be provided as physical delivery then you have to add in the HEAD of the HTML a script tag with the variable clickTag where the publisher can add the clickurl to the landing page by themselves.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript">
var clickTag = "";

Physical delivery in part

This means only the index.html will be delivered to the publisher. All other files will be hosted by yourself.

Special requirements for self hosted ads only

Ad delivery

Your developer should provide us an iframe tag like the following example inside of a text file (.txt) to avoid being blocked by our spamfilter.

<iframe src="" width="300" height="600" border="0"
        seamless="seamless" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>


We recommend that your ads are completely responsive.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

In all cases your advertisements has to be GDPR compliant, independent from your local law or other regulations between your country and the EU.

Additional GDPR agreement

In the additional GDPR agreement, you will agree and guarantee that all your servers and from your partners, all used external resources (e.g. JQUERY, Google Fonts, ...), trackings, cookies, etc. are fully compliant to the GDPR and you take the legal responsibility.

Please contact us for the GDPR agreement.