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Event Handlers

If you want to handle ADvantage events, you need to implement the delegation methods. Extending our AdvantageDelegate class.


This method will be called in any error case such as, no internet connection, connection/timeout, license issues and etc. The String msg will contain the error message which you can log into the logcat to trace the problem!

func advantage(_ advantage: ADvantage, didFailWithError error: String?) {...}
- (void)advantage:(ADvantage *)advantage didFailWithError:(NSString *)error {...}


This method will be called when an ad is completely closed!

func advantageDidClose(_ advantage: ADvantage) {...}
- (void)advantageDidClose:(ADvantage *)advantage {...}


This method will be called when the ad request was completed. This callback contains an status which is an enumerator and could have the following values:

  • AVLoadedWithAd - Ad loaded successfully.
  • AVLoadedWithoutAd - There is no campaign available at the moment.
func advantage(_ advantage: ADvantage, didLoad state: AVLoadedState)
- (void)advantage:(ADvantage advantage didLoad:(AVLoadedState)state {...}


This method will be called when an modal view is created (it will be triggered by the advertisement)

func advantage(_ advantage: ADvantage, didExpandTo rect: CGRect) {...}
- (void)advantage:(ADvantage *)advantage didExpandTo:(CGRect)rect {...}


This method will be called when the ad space changes its size e.g. height change (it will be triggered by the advertisement)

func advantage(_ advantage: ADvantage, didResizeTo rect: CGRect) {...}
- (void)advantage:(ADvantage *)advantage didResizeTo:(CGRect)rect {...}


This method will be called when the ad space changes its position and/or size change (it will be triggered by the advertisement)

func advantage(_ advantage: ADvantage, didUpdateBannerHeightTo height: CGFloat) {...}
- (void)advantage:(nonnull ADvantage *)advantage didUpdateBannerHeightTo:(CGFloat)height {...}

advantage:didUpdateLayoutTo (deprecated)

This method will be called when the ad space changes its position and/or size change (it will be triggered by the advertisement)

func advantage(_ advantage: ADvantage, didUpdateLayoutTo rect: CGRect) {...}
- (void)advantage:(nonnull ADvantage *)advantage didUpdateLayoutTo:(CGRect)rect {...}

advantage: notifyWithMessage / notifyWithDictionary

These methods are reserved for custom external plugins and future use cases.

func advantage(_ advantage: ADvantage, notifyWithMessage message: String?) {...}
func advantage(_ advantage: ADvantage, notifyWith dic: [AnyHashable : Any]) {...}
- (void)advantage:(ADvantage *)advantage notifyWithMessage:(NSString *)message {...}
- (void)advantage:(ADvantage *)advantage notifyWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dic {...}